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My energy work is a combination of different energy therapies that I have combined after many years of experience with clients. My intention is always to consciously guide a person through the process of energy balancing and encouraging self-healing.

In my work, I use touch therapy - acupressure, pranotherapy, Bach flower remedies therapy, and sound-vibration therapy. This combination of healing touch, the transmission of the healing energy of love and light, sound vibration healing, and Bach flowers, which have the gift of spiritual and emotional healing, gives extraordinary results.
Every person is unique, and so is my approach. For each individual, I intuitively use the technique or combination of techniques that are best for him at that moment.

Energy work takes place in cycles of three consecutive therapies.

After the first cycle, the treatments take place by appointment.

The price of the three therapies (one cycle) is 720 HRK (96 EUR).



Transmission of light codes for personal transformation


Light codes are transmitted into your field of consciousness through the frequency (sound) of the language of light. Light language (symbolic language structures) is a higher-dimensional tool for receiving information and energy to aid your development (activating the twelve helixes of DNA).


The light language consists of light grids that, while spoken, take the form of sounds (substitute texts for sacred geometry). The sound penetrates the body and leads to molecular restructuring and creates an opening for information to flow and flood the body. The sound will connect you with your feeling which will allow you to understand the light information.


I intend that each of you during the transmission receives exactly the information (light code) that is needed at that moment to harmonize on all levels of existence and rise to a higher level of consciousness.


My mission and contribution to humanity are to support you on the path of awakening multidimensional consciousness and personal transformation.


A conscious journey through the heart portal guides you through the process of recalling multidimensional consciousness and activating your full potential.


The duration of the transmission is about 1 hour. You will subsequently receive an audio recording so that you can continue with the integration.


 The price of each transmission process is 360 HRK (48 EUR).

Embrace of light, Natalija

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