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Cherry Tree

Bach flower remedies for  CHILDREN

Children respond faster and better to Bach flower remedies than adults because their behavior is not quite established and there is no mental resistance.
It is important to emphasize that flower therapy is of great help to children at an age when they are not yet open to logical arguments. Many disorders in children can be prevented if children are given Bach flower remedies from the beginning, i.e. if they are taken during pregnancy, before and after birth.


This is a holistic method whose father was the English doctor and homeopath Edward Bach (1886-1936). His famous saying is: "We can judge our health by how happy we are." 

Bach believed that plants are in our world for a reason, but that in addition to their healing effect on the body, they can have an extraordinary impact on our mental health and emotions. 

Back in the 1930s, Bach identified seven main negative emotions in his works: fear, insecurity, loneliness, discouragement, lack of interest, excessive concern for others, and hypersensitivity to influences and ideas.


Bach flower remedies reduce the dominance of negative states of mind such as insecurity, jealousy, fear, shyness, resentment, guilt, etc. We strive for spiritual purification and harmonious development of our personality to achieve their maximum balance and therefore, better resistance to psychosomatic disorders. Bach singles out plants that have the gift of spiritual healing.

38 plants address all negative states of mind, i.e. negative states of personality that are the cause of all physical ailments and diseases.


"Illness is not cruelty or punishment, but only a corrector, an instrument that our soul uses to guide us to our mistakes and to prevent us from even bigger mistakes to lead us on the path of truth and light from which we should never have parted." Edward Bach


In symptoms, a person gets what they lack in consciousness, and when a person does not consciously elaborate on a psychological problem, it will manifest itself on a physical level. Bach flower remedies stimulate the expansion of consciousness and thus the healing process. The disease has only one goal, and that is to heal us. The Bach system acts on the level of gentle energy vibrations directly on the human energy system (astral-emotional body).

Flowers can heal us not because they act directly on the disease, but because they soothe our organism with the positive vibrations of our higher self. The fact that flower essences come directly into contact with the higher self explains why they are compatible with any medicine or therapy that only works on one limited level, primarily physical. Flower essences can be used on babies, children, and pregnant and lactating women and can be applied to animals and plants.

The duration of the therapy is individual. If it is used for personal growth and self-realization, it is applied at intervals according to feel. As a rule, no more than seven essences are taken together. It is also good to keep the essences near your bed at night so that the positive vibrations of the flowers will comfort you.

The success of the therapy depends above all on your open-mindedness and the willingness to change and begin the process of self-realisation.


"With Bach flowers, you cannot artificially provoke a healing crisis because the energy of the flowers contains only the vibrations of the Higher Self, i.e. the inner healer who best guides the therapy process itself." Edward Bach


The price of a guided energy process + preparation of remedies in person is 180 HRK (25 EUR).


Embrace of light, Natalija


Rescue Remedy is a ready-made combination of 5 Bach flowers in case of energy shock, i.e. for all situations that will irritate and disintegrate our energy system.
As an emergency aid it aims to prevent the disintegration of the energy system so that it can quickly regain the balance. Each flower corresponds to certain emotions, i.e. negative spiritual states.
STAR OF BETHLEHEM  - fright, comfort for the soul
ROCKE ROSE  - panic 
IMPATIENS  - excitement and mental tension
CLEMATIS  - feeling of decay and loss
CHERRY PLUM  - fear of losing control
This ready-made combination of Bach flower remedies is available in form of drops or cream, and is used as prevention or immediately after stressful situations (the sooner the better), such as bad news, visit at the dentist, doctor, surgery, colloquium, exam; public appearance, injuries , animal bites, fear suffered, accidents, loss of a loved one, before and after birth
... Rescue Remedy is very helpful for babies and children, as well as Bach drops in general, because children respond faster and better to flower therapy.


Just as good music can inspire us, so can Bach flowers lift us up and bring us closer to our soul. Therefore, their vibrations give us peace and free us from suffering.

Bach's system includes 38 negative mental states


Each flower corresponds to a certain inner behavior/attitude and if a type of catalyst establishes a broken connection between soul and personality. This table contains 38 flower remedies and the negative mental states/emotions they have a beneficial effect on.

1. AGRIMONY – hidden suffering

2. ASPEN – indefinite fears

3. BEECH – criticizing and disrespecting others

4. CENTAUR – weakness of will, the person is exploited and oppressed by others

5. CERATO – insecurity and own judgement

6. CHERYY PLUM – uncontrolled and irrational thoughts

7. CHESNUT BUD – a person refuses to learn through experience, repeating the same mistakes

8. CHICORY – excessive possessiveness, other people's manipuri

9. CLEMATIS – lack of spirit, lack of concentration, drowsiness

10. CRAB APPLE – disgust and self-contempt, feeling of inner impurity

11. ELM – overload and uncertainty in one's abilities due to exhaustion

12. GENTIAN – 100% sadness, pessimism, depression for which the reason is known

13. GORS – total despair, lost hope, 50% sadness, 50% discouragement

14. HEATER – talkativeness, fear of being alone

15. HOLLY – hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion, expressed anger

16. WHIM – a person lives in the past, nostalgia

17. HORNBEAM – mental tiredness, procrastination, “I can do it


18. IMPATIENS – impatience, irritability

19. LARCH – lack of self-confidence, fear of failure

20. MIMULUS – fear of the familiar, shyness, timidity

21. MUSTARD – deep melancholy for no known reason, "black cloud"

22. OAK - excessive feeling of having to do things, you don't allow

yourself to rest

23. OLIVE – psycho-physical exhaustion

24. PINE – sense of guilt, self-blame, justification

25. RED CHESTNUT – obsession with care and attention for others

26. ROCK ROSE – sudden agitation, fear, panic

27. ROCK WATER – mental rigidity, seriousness, inflexibility towards oneself

28. SCLERANTUS – indecision, uncertainty, hesitation

29. STAR OF BETHLEHEM – comforts the soul and wards off pain, all psycho-physical traumas, fresh or old

30. SWEET CHESTNUT – deep despair and depression, feeling of emptiness

31. VERVIAN – excessive enthusiasm, fanaticism

32. VINE - excessive ambition, hunger for power, "tyrant"

33. WALNUT – insecurity, indecision, hypersensitivity in important phases of changes in life

34. WATER VIOLET – pride, moderation, need for solitude

35. WHITE CHESTNUT – enhanced mental work, continuous thoughts and images

36. WHILD OAT – uncertainty in life path, dissatisfaction, depression

37. WHILD ROSE – apathy, resignation to fate, destroyed inside

38. WILLOW – resentment, sacrifice, squeamishness, repressed anger


"A flower that comforts the soul and relives pain" E.Bach

For all the traumas of our soul, for external energy influences that the body is unable to release (physical, mental and spiritual shocks), old or new. On the energy level, traumas do not "dissolve" and cause an energy blockage. We all go through psychological traumas during our lives that we cannot let go of. Some of them manifest immediately in the body and some after several months or years. This Bach flower awakens a person from a state of mental slumber and connects him with his higher self. Vitalizes the energy meridians of the nervous system. A person integrates on all levels, becomes more vital and can bear greater energy loads, has greater inner strength.

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PINE - Pine

For those who are too self-critical, who are never satisfied with themselves and who always believe that they could have done better, even when they achieve better results than others; for those who suffer if they make a mistake and who feel guilty even for the mistakes of others; for those who feel a duty to the world and always think they have to do better and more; for those who often have a sense of guilt and are therefore prone to self-punishment.

Learn to forgive yourself, as many time as necessary, with love

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GENTIAN - Gentian

For those who are easily discouraged, pessimistic, depressed who repeat therapies and who give up at the first obstacle. It wakes up lost HOPE and encourages fighting spirit.

Positive affirmations - "Life's adversities are an opportunity for new knowledge"

"Every event in our life has a deep meaning"

Believes in a positive ending

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CRAB APPLE - Wild apple

For those who communicate poorly with themselves and who believe that they have something dirty, impure in them; for those who are obsessed with neatness, bacteria and hygiene; for those who fear illness, who show shame and who feel constant guilt. "Don't fight your flaws, cultivate your virtues!" E. Bach

People with the CRAB APPLE personality are very sensitive and feel subtle energies more than their constitution can handle, so they feel that they are dirty and need internal purification. These people have a special ability to absorb bad energies from their surroundings. In a positive Crab Apple state, these individuals are able to therapeutically transform absorbed energies as "spiritual vacuum cleaners". Unlike other Bach flowers, Crab Apple has a double effect, both on a spiritual and physical level. Many therapists take this flower between therapy sessions with clients to cleanse themselves.

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MUSTARD - Mustard

For those who suffer from sudden attacks of sadness that rob them of the will to live and the will to smile. Everyone may need heartburn at some point in their life, when they are overwhelmed by sadness and when it seems that there is no more hope, no cure, no solution. Mustard is an effective anti-depressant and is an excellent stimulant that allows us to renew our energy at particularly important moments in life.

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Bachov cvijet za sve one koji su se odlučili napraviti novi korak
u svom životu, raskrstiti sa starim uvjerenjima i ostaviti iza sebe prošlost i početi
iznova. Odvajanje od starih iskustava, veza i osjećaja uvijek je bolno i često se
fizički manifestira. Energija ove esencije pomaže da se oslobodimo sjena i
energijskih veza iz prošlosti. Bach govori o orahu kao o spell-breakeru, cvijetu koji
razbija čaroliju. Orah nam pomaže u fazi dubokih unutarnjih promjena, kao i kod
mentalnih i fizičkih promjena (nicanje zubi, pubertet, trudnoća, menopauza i
posljednji dani fizičkog postojanja). Ovaj cvijet je od izuzetne pomoći u svim
fazama bitnih životnih promjena: razvod, selidba, novi posao i slično.

“Otpuštam sva ograničenja koja me sputavaju u ostvarenja životnog cilja!”

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Skrivanje brige iza veselog lica
U negativnom stanju Agrimony pokušavamo ne primjećivati mračnu stranu života
te ne možemo odgovarajuće integrirati iskustva u svoju osobnost. Ovaj cvijet je za
one koji svim silama nastoje izbjeći sukobe i bježe od svakodnevnih problema;
smiruju napetost ispunjavajući dan stotinama obveza; za one koji se noću bude
zbog uznemirenosti i ustaju da bi ispraznili hladnjak, pogotovo kad se suoče s
novim problemom. Osobe tipa Agrimony se u sebi crvene od tjeskobe i strahova
ali će sve učiniti da o tome ne govore „jer to su moji problemi.” Na površini sve
mora biti savršeno iako je unutra nemir i nered. U pozitivnom stanju osoba tipa
Agrimony prepoznaje bit svakog problema i uspijeva naći radost u sebi umjesto
izvana. U praksi se često primjenjuje kod djece jer im pomaže u lakšoj
komunikaciji. U fazi puberteta od velike je pomoći kao i u terapiji svih ovisnosti,
prije svega alkoholizma.

„Gdje ima svjetla mora biti i sjene.”
„Mir nalazim u sebi.”

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